A Book and Video Series for Pastors.
50 years of lessons learned to benefit your ministry.
My Name is Pastor
What This Book is All About
On the day of my birth, July 4th, 1951, my parents gave me the name, Tom. Nearly 19 years later someone gave me the name, Pastor. That was more than 50 years ago, and Pastor is still my name. This book is a reflection of all that I’ve learned after a lifetime of service as a shepherd of God’s people. I’m an average pastor, a survivor of the small-to-mid-size church, who fights in the same foxhole as other small-to-midsize-church pastors. We’re like-minded, sharing the same challenges, discouragements and loneliness that uniquely define us as a fraternity of brothers.
I’m not a mega-church pastor with novel ideas to grow a bigger church or presenting polished programs that guarantee greater success. Unintentionally, these books can actually leave your average pastor disenchanted as he fails time and again to implement their good ideas.
I’m an ordinary guy chosen by an extraordinary God who called me just as He called you. We speak about Jesus, and only by the power of His Holy Spirit are we able to perform our duties to which we were called.
This book is from an average pastor, written for average pastors, known only by the communities that surround them. This book will encourage, guide, inspire and instruct the pastor who faithfully serves God’s people in Somewhere, America. It’s full of Scripture, personal experience, and relatable stories designed to offer insight, direction and a lifetime of wisdom.